Your OC Connection

Jeannie Betten – Your Ocean City Connection.
What makes her different? There are many REALTORS to choose from, so she strives to succeed with her mission, vision and value. As a child of two educators, Jeannie believes in education. By keeping up to date with what is going on in our real estate market, as well as continuing education, she’s constantly updating her tools and methods, especially in the areas of internet marketing, social media and technology. She also holds multiple designations and various Short Sale credentials, all received from additional classes to excel in her niche areas. With backgrounds in banking, marketing, public relations and customer service she has gained life experience critical to being a REALTOR. Add to those a love of photography, she created the perfect foundation to build her successful business in real estate.
Know her – Trust her – Like her! Jeannie’s in sales, but she’s also in service. She believes in building relationships and stays in touch with her clients, long after their sale is complete. She also believes in providing the service that she expects herself. As a a tech-savy agent she offers electronic signature, Skype, Social Media, and multiple internet sites to maximize her seller’s property exposure as part of her marketing. Since she has the strong sense of service, she stays cutting edge. In addition, she follows all her fiduciary duties and will not make decisions for you, but will be a guide to the successful settlement. Showing buyers condos and helping make beach dreams come true is something she loves. It is great to be a part of a buyer’s road to making beach memories.
She lives in and supports our community. As a child, Jeannie loved visiting Ocean City every summer and vowed one day to own a condo here. Her plan to attend a college near a beach included SU, but that didn’t pan out. Instead life took her out west to another school by the beach where she graduated from San Diego State University . Upon returning back to Maryland, that dream of owning an OC beach condo was still alive. So she and her husband bought a mid-town condo as an investment, but instead it became their home! They then moved to South Point by Assateague and now rent their condo (she can relate to the investor buyers and sellers). Continuing with her public and community relations roots, she supports local non-profits and participates in various charitable events. You’ll see many of those photos on her Facebook, Pintrest, Instagram and other social media platforms. Over time, she built a portfolio of local vendors she uses herself for her own homes, and she is picky!
Jeannie's your OC Connection - Stay connected to OC, the lifestyle, the local real estate market, and also with news blurbs. If you’re in the market to buy or sell now, please let Jeannie know. If it’s not the right time for you to buy or sell, it’s ok. Either way, enjoy what she shares about her town!